
Download Tools for creating Tem language documents: specialized keyboards for typing Tem on English keyboards (qwerty) or French keyboards (azerty), and recommendations for Fonts to use for Tem documents.

To type Tem on your Android smartphone, download Tem Kɩ́mankʊ́ app, now on the Android Playstore!

1. On your computer, install MSKLC keyboards, integrated into Windows to easily type Tem. Download both ZIP files and the instructions in PDF. 

TemDv5FR TT v3

1. Ɔrdinaatɛ́ɛrɩ-dɛ́ɛ kɩ́mankʊ́ kɩnzɩná mɩ tem ŋmáádɩ nɛ

2. Kɩ́manakʊ́ kɩ́m kɩdɛ́ɛ wɩlɩɩ́tɩ Guide TemDv5FR.pdf

3. Nibááwʊ kɩnwɩlɩ́ mɩ «MSKLC » kɩnzɩná mɩ ɩkɛ́ɛ mɩdɛ́ɛ kɩ́mankʊ́ kɩ́m nɛ kɩ́dɩdaarɛ.

2. Instructions for using the Tem keyboards, click this link (or see the TemDv4FR Guide.doc inside the MSKLC TemDv4FR.zip file)

3. Links to download a free utility called MSKLC (Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator) and also other free unicode fonts from www.sil.org

4. For those who wish to type Tem in Adjami, (in letters that look like Arabic), see the instructions for Adjami keyboard.

Thanks for your patience with the Tem Language Committee (CLTem) in Sokode. 

If your need is urgent you can make an appointment to see the computer technician at ABTem, in Sokode, or send us a message using the link below: 


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